A Little Piece of My Heart


I thought I would share a little of me. This is my baby Benji. Three weeks ago his vet told me he was dying. He had a severe stomach infection, I won’t go into details about it, but in spite of our efforts  he lost 8Lbs. He wasn’t eating a single thing and yet threw up various times a day. Needless to say I was crying like a baby at all times. I can’t even speak for my mother who’s more emotional than I am. She and my brother had a serious talk with me about euthanizing him because he was in obvious pain, but I couldn’t even fathom the thought. I was convinced that he would survive. That he was strong and would make it through. I was determined.

We hospitalized him and I have to say the vet performed a miracle. Benji slowly started to get better. He was clearly angry with us for leaving him. When we first visited him, he got excited, wagged his tail, barked, but after a while when we stayed and got comfortable he seemingly started to realize he was staying too. He saw us picking up our bags to leave and when we’d call him or try to pet him and kiss him he’d ignore us. It was funny because he was so insulted. I pictured he would have said “these assholes are leaving me again!” I had laughed at the thought. It was the first time I had in a while when it had anything to do with Benji. I finally knew he was getting better. The Vet picked him up and took Benji with him, my dog did not even look back.

Eventually in one of our visits the vet  told us we could take him home and gave us medication for him, for ten days. After about a day or two he started eating like the dog he is. He was just always hungry. I had never seen him eat like that. He was compensating for all that time he was basically starving. At one point he knocked over the garbage can, (something he had never done because he is well trained) and stole a chicken bone and ran. My mom went after him and snatched it from him, it was pretty funny, even funnier when she started cursing at him in Spanish telling him chicken bones are no good for him. As if he cared or understood.

I hadn’t been truly happy until yesterday though. We had gotten him a lion teddy bear a short while ago, he usually tears his toys into pieces immediately and he hadn’t yet, he was seemingly protecting it. Well yesterday when I got home from work he started running  back and forth, jumping on me, knocking me over (mind you he’s a small dog, but very strong) to lick me in the face (which he knows I don’t like but I can’t very well stop him, I’m too grateful he’s alive so I just don’t care anymore), and then he ran and got the lion. I hadn’t played fetch with him in so long because he was so sick, he started getting crazy. I tried to pull the lion away from him and he held on for dear life, even when I lifted him off the floor. I was so happy to see him like that, to play with him, I had known I would again, but I wasn’t happy until it actually happened. So that picture above that’s my baby, that’s a little piece of me. A little piece of my ❤



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